The “Shoe Without A Footprint” is a prototype NRG created in conjunction with 10XBeta as a demonstration of what could come out of the four-year Carbon XPrize competition, which the company sponsors. 10XBeta brought on Risen From the Thread to the design of the shoe in collaboration with Berk Ilhan (10XBeta) and D’Wayne Edwards (design advisor). RFTT also focused on sourcing materials, digital fabrication and finishing touches. It took a talented team to pull off this design challenge. Please see credits below.
The white shoe was chosen to redefine the dirty and traditionally toxic impression people have of CO2 emissions into a new way of experiencing environmental awareness in their daily lives. The inspiration for the shoe comes from carbon’s hexagonal atomic structure and is featured in the custom sole. Other details include a faceted side sole, innovative lace structure and a minimalist upper design. The classic elements and simple lines make this shoe a contender in today’s sneaker head culture. A shoe for responsible fashion.
Not only is the sole of the shoe made from recycled CO2 emissions, the rest of the materials used in the shoe were sought to be as sustainable as possible with 60-100% recycled content and locally sourced when possible. with the potential to be made from harvested CO2 in the future.
- CANNES LIONS Design Shortlist 2017
SHOE WITHOUT A FOOTPRINT - Huffington Post 2016
- Smithsonian 2016
- Business Insider 2016
- NY Times 2016
Marcel Botha (Science and Engineering Lead)
Berk Ilhan (Design)
Simon Ellison (Fabrication Engineering)
Ellen Crane (Fabrication Engineering)
D’Wayne Edwards (Design Critique)
Andrea Lauer (Fashion Technologist and Shoe Design)
Jeannette Subero (Design and Fabrication)
Katie Treidl (3D Modeling)
David Ulan (Final Shoe Production)
Aaron Keppel (Sample Shoe)
Anne Marika Verploegh Chassé (Fabrication Advisor)